Project Brief
VOD (view order details) is a "hub" connecting all post-purchase experience flows.
It is a highly visible page (0.5m views every day) where users manage their orders and initiate post-transaction activities such as returns, exchange and track order, etc. As VOD became the central Hub for post-purchase, we decided to create a holistic user experience across the web and devices that aligned with current eCommerce standards in 2021. I had the opportunity to lead the design, participate in roadmap planning and redefine UX workflows with other stakeholders.
Mobile Web
Worked with PM and UX researcher to understand and clarify the business requirements and user needs for the project
Consolidated research findings to drive design proposals and created iterations
Collaborated with development team to ensure that implementation matched proposed designs and worked around technical limitations
The team
1 UX Designer
1 Design Manager
1 Product Manager
9+ Developers
1 UX Researcher
1 Content

Redesign the “View Order Detail” for eBay
* This project is mainly about how I improved the post-purchase experience and empowered UX influence. Due to confidentiality, some details are not presented here. If you would love to know more about the project, don't hesitate to contact me at: momoranzhuo@gmail.com.
Problem Space
View Order Details was outdated and needed a revamp.
View Order Details as a central hub for the buyers to manage their orders. The post-purchase experience was a huge opportunity to promote trust and loyalty in the eBay marketplace and align more closely with eCommerce standards. The existing experience was far from eCommerce standard and bogged down by confusing interaction, a fragmented, redundant UI, and inconsistent design.

More than just pixel problems
Instead of just fixing the pixel problems on the UI, we wanted to dig deeper— How do people feel about the current VOD experience? What are the pain points for buyers as well as sellers?
I worked with our researcher in understanding the experience from the user side (the why, when, and what they were looking for). Highlights of our findings:
Some most demanded information & actions are missing
Buyers' needs constantly change with the status of orders.
What I made to empower UX and also achieve business goals! 🤩 🏆
Led to an increase in user satisfaction by ~57%
Won the 2021 Best Product Developed Prize (aka. eBay OSCARS. VOD won the eBay top three best products out of thousands of projects in Payment domains. VOD is the only design-driven product that won this prize.)
X% increase in usage rate in US/DE markets
X% increase in usage rate in UK, AU, CA & FRITES

Voice of customer captured via seek survey 🎉 💬

“I like it very much. All of the important information that I am looking for is there and what is really nice is that all of this information is located right in front of you- ON ONE PAGE! Well done. Larry”
“……Probably the most thorough, concise and at the same time non-confusing order details I have ever seen. (The separate grouping of "like" information is the real key, otherwise it would become confusing). I am an "efficiency nut" so I truly appreciate the efforts you are placing on this matter! This is an aside, but related....So many order details from companies are (unnecessarily) over ONE page, and when they are, most of the pertinent pricing/cost information (to keep as a receipt, etc) will invariably be split between page one and page two. Having to print two pages (rather than one) is a waste from a cost standpoint and from an environmental perspective. But you've "nailed it" to one page, so don't change a thing!”
“Of course I opened this page because I wanted to see when my order would arrive. I found the information layout to be a great help and improvement. Thank-you, and Good Job.”
“Very concise and very easy to read. Can quickly see how much is spent on tax, shipping. DO NOT CHANGE A THING. The order summary is just right and very easy to understand.”
My Approach
Aligning the teams and taking initiatives to develop empathy with stakeholders
Redesigning the View Order Details page was a massive effort as five teams owned flows and entry points throughout the View Order Details page, and each flow had been designed and built independently by different teams.
In order to develop a seamless experience across post-purchase, we needed to collectively acknowledge problems with the post purchase/View Order Details flow, share concerns about a project of this scale, and uncover requirements for finding solutions. We achieved this through 1 design workshop and 1 design sprint. I planned and facilitated an hour discussion with 10 design, product, and engineering leaders from each team.
As a UX designer, developing empathy for both users and project stakeholders is my stock-in-trade. I usually initiated brainstorming sessions or workshops with PMs and engineers to build this empathy bridge.

1️⃣ 2️⃣ 3️⃣ Design workshop and sprint. 4️⃣ User journey map, pain points and design opportunities
Create a UX vision of the future experience users will have with our product.
As a designer, it is crucial for us to be involved in the planning strategy of the product; we can contribute our opinion about what problems are worth solving and how we can achieve our goal in different phases.
At the beginning of this project, I asked myself, “what are the real problems/needs for users and businesses?” “What will our product be like if we achieve our long-term goals?” “What prioritizes which of those problems are most pressing to solve right now?”
When working on the View Order Details project, I first mapped out the UX vision before jumping into the detailed design. It helps me communicate with PMs and engineers efficiently and allows me to make design decisions such as “For Phase 1, I will make this information architecture into a scalable structure. Because we will add a new feature X in Phase 2.” Also, the UX vision helps increase UX visibility across planning strategies.
Design explorations and plan for different phases
Never giving up on emphasis UX
I had a hard time convincing the stakeholders to add a new feature, which can tackle one of the biggest pain points of buyer’s experience. And I realize the effective way to convince people is investing in my negotiation methods.
In order to provide an efficient and effortless user experience, I proposed a solution which allows buyers to cancel their order before seller shipping. And make the order cancellation be discoverable. However, this solution was not approved by PMs at the beginning because it may hurt revenue growth. I set up multiple sync-up and huddles with both buyer and seller side UX researchers, engineers, PMs to understand concerns, technical constraints, present potential benefits, build empathy with customers (buyers and sellers) and propose compromised solutions that allow users to cancel without significantly hurting revenue, which was approved by all stakeholders.
Thanks for reading!
I hope this gave you a little preview of what I got up. Since this project is NDA, I cannot share it publicly. If you'd like to know more, please reach out! ✨